3 Essential Lessons Every Leader Needs to Learn: How Overcoming Ego Empowers Teams and Drives Success

by Kim Fitkin - 8/6/2023

3 Essential Lessons Every Leader Needs to Learn: How Overcoming Ego Empowers Teams and Drives Success

Great leaders know how to manage their ego to empower teams. But a lot of people dont know what that means.

One of my favorite books for understanding ego and taking action is Ego Is The Enemy by Ryan Holiday.

Heres what I took from 3 of my favorite chapters in the book:

  1. Always Stay a Student

Ego-driven leaders often fall into the trap of believing they know everything they need to already.

They close doors to new perspectives, and in doing so, disconnect from the very people they are meant to lead.

This arrogance leads to isolation, not only from their team but also from new ideas and innovation.

They stop seeking out mentors, ignore constructive criticism, and lose sight of personal growth. Its a dangerous path, one that leads to stagnation and complacency.

đź’ˇ Solution: Embrace a lifelong learning mentality.

Favorite quote from the chapter: “If you’re not still learning, you’re already dying.”

  1. Managing Yourself

Ego-driven leaders, fueled by pride and insecurity, may react impulsively instead of responding thoughtfully when challenged by experts.

They destroy trust, alienate teams, and foster a toxic culture where fear prevails.

These leaders must accept that others might be more qualified or have deeper specializations.

Empowering and collaborating with these experts enables better decision making.

đź’ˇ Solution: Embrace feedback and use it as a tool for growth rather than as an attack on your ego.

Favorite quote from the chapter: “A fish stinks from the head, is the saying. Well you’re the head now.”

  1. Beware The Disease Of Me

A leaders accomplishments inflate their sense of self-importance.

A “me-first” mentality takes over.

Team members feel undervalued and resentful, as their contributions are overshadowed by the leaders pursuit of personal glory.

Innovation and creativity suffer as people hesitate to speak out or share ideas, fearing they will get no recognition. Or worse, be ignored and belittled.

💡 Solution: Embrace a “we-first” attitude. Recognize and celebrate team successes. Stay grounded and remember that leadership is about empowering others, not aggrandizing oneself.

Favorite quote from the chapter: “This is one of the most dangerous ironies of success–it can make us someone we never wanted to be in the first place.”

Dont fall prey to ego.

Value integrity, humility, and the collective success of your team. Lead from a place of understanding and empathy.

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