3 Crucial Reasons Great Leaders Embrace Their Weaknesses to Foster Stronger Teams

by Kim Fitkin - 2/6/2024

3 Crucial Reasons Great Leaders Embrace Their Weaknesses to Foster Stronger Teams

Leaders aren’t great at everything.

People expect you to:

  • Be a salesperson who can close
  • Be able see and predict market changes
  • Be a people-person who can talk to anyone
  • Be charismatic and inspire through personality
  • Be expert negotiators with every vendor and customer
  • Be able to empathize right away with everyone they meet
  • Be decisive and correct with decisions every time, on every topic

That’s a lot for one person…

and isn’t realistic.

Great leaders actually:

  1. Are aware of their weaknesses
  2. Know someone else can do the job better
  3. Build a balanced team to compliment their strengths

Don’t try to be something you’re not.

I want to know what your strength is. Share it below and be proud of it 👇

If youre a leader looking to understand your strengths lets chat.

I work with leaders to know their behaviors and what drives them and their teams. DM me!

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