2 Transformative Steps to Boost Your Confidence and Authenticity in Writing

by Kim Fitkin - 2/14/2024

2 Transformative Steps to Boost Your Confidence and Authenticity in Writing

Have you ever read some of your old work?

I did it this week and cringed a little bit.

It’s always fun to look back at what we were doing years ago.

And I’m proud of how far I’ve come with my writing.

But something struck me in my old posts.

My lack of confidence…

I’d say things like,

– “Might not seem like a big deal to some…” – “While I might not know everything…”

These phrases minimize my experience.

I was trying to appeal to everyone and offend no one.

Then I noticed a shift in my writing and confidence last year…

I did two things:

  1. I embraced authenticity

I thought I had to be something I wasn’t to write online.

Now I’m proud to be who I am, unapologetically.

I’m expressing myself in ways that might turn people away and that’s okay.


  1. I surrounded myself with people who build me up

And stopped engaging with people who tear others down.

My friends and coworkers are my cheerleaders, coaches, and sometimes therapists.

I’m motivated and happy.

And I’m seeing it come through in my writing.

And I appreciate everyone here who’s shared in my growth.

What’s something you’re working on to help yourself now?

I want to support you!

Happy Friday 🙌

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