15 Essential Soft Skills That Will Catapult Your Career to Unprecedented Heights

by Kim Fitkin - 6/3/2023

Hard skills get you in the door.

But soft skills give you the edge.

15 soft skills to accelerate your career:

  1. Communication: Listen more than you speak. You have two ears and one mouth for a reason. Pay attention to what isnt being said.

  2. Persuasion: Influence isnt about manipulation. Its about understanding and relating. Use metaphors and tell stories to inspire action.

  3. Single-tasking: The average person loses 13 weeks - an entire quarter - to distraction per year. Your ability to unplug from the noise and focus on one task at a time is a superpower.

  4. Rapport-building: You never get a second chance at making a first impression. Those able to find common ground, develop trust, and connect quickly have an edge.

  5. Time Management: Time is non-refundable. Use it wisely. Prioritize, delegate, learn to say no. Its not about having time, its about creating and protecting it.

  6. Problem-Solving: Stop fearing problems. Welcome them. Its your solution-oriented mindset that makes you indispensable.

  7. Adaptability: In this rapidly changing world, being open and adaptive to change is crucial. Flexibility is the new stability.

  8. Teamwork: Even average teams can outperform individual stars. Recognize the power of we. Drive clarity and commitment, foster debate, and focus on results.

  9. Empathy: Walk a mile in others shoes. Understand their world and acknowledge their feelings. Be the support they need. Don’t judge.

  10. Leadership: To lead is to serve. Your success is measured by the success of those you lead. Empower, dont overpower.

  11. 80/20 Thinking: Not everything matters. 20% of your actions will create 80% of your results. Become world-class at identifying the 20%.

  12. Positivity: Are you thought of as ‘energizing’ or ‘draining’? Be the light in the room. Your energy is contagious and positivity is a choice. So, choose wisely.

  13. Antifragility: Go beyond resilient. Become antifragile, whereby the more hits you take the stronger you become. Stress builds strength.

  14. Continuous Learning: What got you here is unlikely to get you there. Never stop learning. Stay curious. Stay hungry.

  15. Consistency: You’ll rarely “feel” like taking consistent action, day-after-day. Professionals show up and execute whether they feel like it or not. Its time to “Turn Pro”.

15 soft skills to close the gap between who you are and who you’re capable of being. If you like content like this, follow me Eric Partaker, for more.

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